Meet Jane

mum to emmalee

embracing life with food allergies

the Park’s favorite allergen free baker

california born korean american

lover of hand written letters

ally to BIPOC

passionate about healthy living

former national figure skating champion

breadwinning woman

daughter of the one true King

Her Story

  • Mum with a Bun was started after Jane spent over a decade on her own holistic healing journey to put her PCOS into remission. After multiple tests, Doctors concluded that the only option she had left was to take synthetic birth control and utilize IVF to have a child. She turned to prayer, which led her to research and understand how food and lifestyle affects the body. Holistically, she nourished herself with whole foods and learned to tune into her body and put her PCOS into remission without birth control. Upon naturally conceiving and giving birth to her daughter in the comfort of her home during week 1 of the pandemic, Jane’s most valued postpartum gift was the replenishing “4th trimester meal kit” consisting of high-quality, warming broths, porridges, and snacks rooted in ancient, traditional postpartum wisdom. In the valley of her postpartum journey, the nutrient dense food & support she received made all the difference - Jane vowed to do whatever she could to support, nourish, and empower new mums when she got to the other side.

  • "Then the meal kit came to an end. As an exclusively breastfeeding mum, I didn’t feel like myself. My pregnancy glow was replaced with acne and my digestive system rebelled against me. I wanted to regain my energy through healthy, nourishing whole foods - I ate all the “health foods”. My skin, bloating, and indigestion worsened. I sought nutritional guidance from several professionals throughout my pregnancy and postpartum - I knew that how I nourished myself through this critical time would impact my child even when she developed outside of my womb, but reliable advice was far and few between. Early postpartum, I thought “if only I knew which foods were nourishing my postpartum body vs hindering me from feeling good.” By the grace of God, I got connected with a Certified Nutrition Consultant who specializes in postpartum and baby nutrition - this is when I found hope, reliable recommendations, and empowerment.. Then I learned about allergies. At the beginning of the solid foods journey, I nearly lost my daughter due to a severe allergic reaction. I knew how to recognize the reaction and act quickly enough to save her, but it was a traumatic experience that “woke” me up and changed the trajectory of our lives. From this incident, I knew it was my duty to educate myself and mums on how to safely introduce solid food to a baby. While working full time at Google and continuing to “responsive” breastfeed, I was driven by the desire to equip and empower every new mum with nutritional wisdom and knowledge. So I earned my Master Nutrition Certification. As a Certified Nutrition Consultant, I specialize in pregnancy, postpartum, and baby nutrition. I am on a mission to nourish new mums and thereby the future generations. Pregnant or postpartum mums & parents who are starting to nourish their baby with solid foods, I, Mum with a Bun am here for you."

    Certified via Oh Baby School of Holistic Nutrition