What to expect

Before your appointment

  • Contact me at jane@mumwithabun.com to find a consultation time.

  • You will receive an intake form, food journal, and payment form (to lock in your spot) via email.
    *Please fill out the intake form & food journal with as much detail as you can as it will help me prepare for our consultation

  • Submit the 2 forms a minimum of 3 days prior to your appointment.

  • Prior to your appointment you will receive a reminder and a Zoom/GVC link to join the call. 

  • Grab a nourishing drink & enjoy our consultation. I look forward to meeting you!

During/after your appointment

  • During the consult, feel free to take notes and ask me questions!

  • After the consult, I will email you to provide you with the recommendations made during the consultation.

  • During / after the consult, I will check in with you to see how my recommendations resonate with you and how they are working out as you implement them.

  • A follow up consultation may be needed in some situations.

  • Don’t hesitate to reach out!