Hydration 101: How to Hydrate

@ Pregnant mums, a lesser known tip for keeping nausea / morning sickness at bay: stay hydrated.

How does one truly hydrate?

Via the addition of critical Electrolytes: Sodium. Potassium. Magnesium.

Unfortunately, chugging plain water alone will flush out necessary electrolytes/minerals and leave you more dehydrated.

It makes sense if you think about it. You may have noticed that your tears, sweat, and bodily fluids (if you’ve ever tasted a drop as it trickled into your mouth) are SALTY.

You are made of 60% WATER and a THIRD of that is SALT WATER […] Stop drinking PLAIN water to “hydrate”

- Dr. James DiNicolantonio


While many have grown fearful of salt, sodium is absolutely necessary

to conduct nerve impulses, contract and relax muscles, and maintain the proper balance of water and minerals.

- HARVARD T. H. CHAN | School of Public Health

Sufficient sodium intake is

REQUIRED to prevent excess magnesium excretion.

- Lily Nichols RDN, CDE and Author of Real Food for Pregnancy and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes

This is critical to note as Magnesium is a mineral required for over 3700 bodily functions like sleep, bowel movements, muscle health (i.e. spasms, restless leg syndrome, & Charlie horse no more!), heart health, brain health, nervous system health, and MORE.


100% of the population is not meeting the minimum requirement of potassium.

Why is this shocking stat a reality? Largely it’s due to the fact that most diets are largely made up of processed foods, which are lacking in potassium.

Crucial for healthy hydration, bone health, and heart health (higher potassium intake reduced the risk of high blood pressure and kidney stones - PMID: 30369637), Potassium is critical for maintaining distribution of water in your body.

Potassium works with sodium to regulate your blood volume, a chief determinant of blood pressure. If you’re deficient in either mineral, blood pressure goes up. - Robb Wolf

Foods high in Potassium include dried apricots, avocado, banana, cantaloupe, spinach, asparagus, tomato, potato lentil, salmon, chicken breast, beef (in that order). Like Magnesium, Potassium is one of those electrolytes that are hard to get enough of via foods - supplementation is often recommended.


93% of the population is not meeting the minimum requirement of magnesium.

While Magnesium is something you can get via foods like pumpkin seeds, avocado, cod, dark chocolate, salmon, Brazil nuts, almonds, tahini, and leafy greens, U.S. soil has been depleted so the amount of magnesium you’ll be able to get from food is insufficient compared to the quantity we needs. Especially if you’re an athlete, pregnant, or postpartum.

This is one of the minerals I often suggest supplementing as the vast majority of us fall short on consuming enough magnesium from diet alone; a deficiency can increase many health risks as well as keep us from feeling and performing our best.

Fun Fact: it helps prevent migraines and it’s important for activating vitamin D in the blood!

- Max Lugavere

What Type of Magnesium do I Need?

*Gylcinate (found in Mitigate Stress) : Sleep / relaxation, mood, general muscle health, bone health, and healthy mineral absorption, transport, and balance

*Citrate: sleep / mood / digestion / bowel movement

Taurine: blood sugar

Threonate: brain

Rotate: heart

Malate (found in LMNT) : healthy muscle relaxation, muscle relaxation, energy production, metabolic functions, strength

*Chloride: overall deficiency

*Oxide: digestion / bowel movement

*Sulfate: upset stomach

Lactate: stress



this post is focused on Electrolytes but it’s worth noting that certain Magnesium supplements are poorly absorbed and taking only 1 or 2 forms can still result in a deficiency. I highly recommend the bran BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough if you are on the market for a full spectrum of magnesium. It’s meant to reach every tissue in the body to provide health benefits and address the vast majority of our issues that result from being in a magnesium depleted state.


When taken in the A.M. it is said to support brain function and stress responses throughout your day. When taken in the P.M. it’s purpose is to promote relaxation and quality sleep.


it depends on your individual digestive system. You are unique - some experience upset stomach when it’s not taken with food, but if you are able to take it on an empty stomach that’s recommended as that’s when your body will be able to absorb it more.

*Inorganic magnesium salts: (oxide, chloride, sulfate) these need stomach acid for the body to absorb these forms of mg. Hence they need to be taken on an empty stomach.

*Organic magnesium salts: (citrate, glycinate, chelate, etc) are absorbed more than inorganic mg even if taken with food


magnesium is one of those minerals that aren’t stored well by the human body. Generally it leaves the body’s system within 24hrs of consumption so daily consumption is recommended.

ADDITIONAL POST COMING SOON — about Magnesium, the “miracle mineral”

Benefits of Adding Electrolytes

  • Increases energy, clarity, focus, and strength

  • Makes transitioning off of processed foods way easier

  • Helps you actually stay/become hydrated

My Favorite Source of Electrolytes

LMNT Electrolyte packets.

These are electrolytes measured out into optimal ratios for the human body (without all the added weird fillers and sugars found in a lot of other electrolyte mixes). I always carry around a couple packets with me because when the afternoon slump hits, this is my very effective pick-me-up. Personally, I feel clarity, energy, and hydration almost immediately after downing 16oz of water + 1 packet.

Use my link to make your first purchase and the LMNT team will send you each of their flavors for free! (Limited Time Offer)

What’s great is that the LMNT Team is so confident that they’re willing to offer you a refund, no questions asked if you aren’t satisfied with it. I love the watermelon salt and the grapefruit… sometimes with a squeeze of lime & ice.

Cheers to happy (& legit) hydration!


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