Jane Park Jane Park

Why we’re starting a YouTube Channel: Food Allergy Impacts how People Live

Food Allergy Impacts How People Live. Mother of child with allergies is starting a youtube channel to provide guidance, hope, and a peek into allergy life realities

We’re starting a Mum With a Bun YouTube channel.

Because we are not meant to do life alone. #AllergyAwareness

I set a boundary with my family and community because it’s my job to respect my daughter’s allergy lifestyle and it’s also my job to protect her. And I am so happy I did.

We’ve heard everything from, “it’s all in your head - stop being so afraid of allergens” to “she’s at the age where you should give her all her allergens. Just give her everything. Just say “AMEN” and then feed her the allergen!”

These statements came from well meaning places, but they’re incredibly invalidating and infuriating when someone who has neither researched food allergies nor watched your child go through an anaphylactic reaction comes at you with comments like this and proceeds to tell you that you are parenting our allergy child incorrectly.

It is so important that I intentionally move away from the “be nice” cultural expectation that has been drilled into me - each time I make myself and my voice shrink, my daughter and I suffer for it. I am finally speaking up and holding my, “no” — and I’m feeling good about it.

It took a lot of trial & error, allergy specialist appointments & phone calls, and years of personal research to get to where I am now, and I’m still learning how to be an allergy mum… one who protects her child and meets her own needs.

I used to share “nutrition tips” and “allergy life” educational reels daily on my Instagram hoping I could provide guidance, hope, and encouragement to other families like ours. After a month of prayer, I was convicted to start our YouTube channel that focuses on our lived experiences as a family of 3 to provide tips and suggestions that I wish I had when I started this “Allergy Mum Journey”

How we do what most people don’t have to think twice about (i.e. run errands, travel, etc.) is done in a “special” and calculated fashion to keep emma safe, but most people don’t know it.

The hope is that our YouTube channel sheds light not just on what caretakers of children with allergies can do to navigate their drastically changed lives once they find out about their child’s allergies (classified as a disability),

but also what “normal” people, who do not live with debilitating and deteriorating conditions, can do to help.

It is an honor and privilege to beat my drum - to inform others that we all have a collective responsibility to make sure people with allergies, disabilities, or life altering differences are purposefully included and thoughtfully accounted for. We’re here to carry each others’ burdens and there is joy, strength, and transformation that results when a community comes together to better understand and embrace one another in light of our differences.

My experience with people with disabilities is quite limited so while I am no expert on this topic by any stretch of the imagination,

I am a mother of an almost 3 year old toddler with life threatening food allergies diagnosed at her 8 month mark; not a day goes by where I don’t think about how I can love her better in light of her health condition and avoid mistakes that could be lethal to her. I’ve come to the realization that I cannot do this alone… but God told me we were never meant to do any of this alone.

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