Jane Park Jane Park

How do I make the eczema go away?

I wish the answer was simple, but it's a complex process CNCs like myself can shepherd you through. 

One crucial step I take with my eczema clients—
strengthen the child's digestive system using food as medicine.

Eczema is often an external indicator that internally the gut needs support. 
That's why I have my clients focus on tissue regenerating food—
one of those foods is none other than quality collagen.

What foods contain the form of collagen beneficial for eczema?

Gelatin (which contains collagen)

my 6m old's favorite way to get it: BONE BROTH
my daughters current favorite way to get it: homemade marshmallows

I've been making gelatin gummies using quality gelatin for my first born who struggled with eczema in her first few months of life— supporting her in this way (& many other ways) has been way worth it considering her eczema days are now a thing of the past.

We keep gelatin & collagen rich foods in our family's diet year round, but recently Emma requested marshmallows. So we perfected the recipe this week. Here's a gut healthy marshmallow recipe for you & yours

Note: store bought marshmallows do not have health benefits like this one!



  • 1 c filtered water

  • 3.5 Tbsp gelatin powder (I use gelpro Australia)
    get 100% grass fed & finished / organic / pasture-raised - you do not want to be feeding your family antibiotics, hormones, & drugs that are in the animals most gelatin/collagen is made from quality gelatin & collagen derived without the use of harsh chemicals is what we need to support the gut & our littles' bodies


  • Mix gelatin with ½ c water set aside.

  • Mix honey & ½ c water in a pot. Bring to a boil. Cover with lid & boil (2min).

  • Combine gelatin water & hot honey water in a large bowl.

  • Patiently mix with a mixer (start off on low speed for about 5 min then increase speed to med-high) until stiff peaks form when you lift the whisk (about 15min - may take longer depending on what type of mixer you’re using).

  • Pour marshmallow into a glass container.

  • Place in the fridge to harden (2hr) when it's bouncy to touch, it's ready.

  • Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator & enjoy!

Cheers to gut health, friends!


Which gelatin powder are you using?

I use @gelproaustralia but l've heard great things about @furtherfood & @cellsquared gelatin. I generally steer clear of gelatin/collagen from Brazil/South America as their cows can be treated with unknown substances. A few emails and some research helped me see that most collagen/gelatin is not grass-fed (unfortunately, they can be labeled as such even though they're grain finished). Also, if the source is not provided it's likely from Brazil. In the US the FDA doesn't have the resources to regulate the industry which is why I buy from Australia even though shipping costs can get hefty!

May I know how do you make bone broth?

I saved my “bone broth step by step” video under my "solid starts" highlights in case the story expires before you get to it! The method I use is the Korean traditional way. If you don’t mind the floaties/appearance & want additional nutritional benefits, I say skip the soaking and dumping initial step.

How much [gelatin] do you give your daughter per day?

Suggested dosing on labels is for a 150 pound adult so I suggest calculating based on your child's weight! In general, I listen to my child's cues - I offer and encourage her to listen to her body; she eats as much or as little as she wants after meals. I'm always amazed by how she enjoys some and then says her belly is happy. Kids are really in tune with their bodies. It's amazing.

collagen helps with eczema? Mine all of a sudden came back […] It's frustrating.

If it's a gut related issue (which often it is) then yes! Quality collagen helps strengthen the intestinal barrier, which is a huge step in eliminating eczema. I'm planning on sharing other important steps for the eczema elimination protocol I use with my clients - stay tuned via IG!

How long does it take for the eczema to go away?

Everyone is different! It depends on several factors, what the triggers are, how the client is keeping up with strengthening their gut via specific food, etc. It's near impossible to share my entire protocol as I work with clients 1:1 to fully understand their unique body (bio individuality) and from there I provide science backed guidance. The information I share here/on IG is quite high level and whilst it's my hope that my content helps those on their eczema elimination journey, it is not at all medical advice.

If you boil the honey don't all the nutrients go bye-bye? Even for tea, l've always been told to add once it's cooled down.

Feel free to use maple syrup instead! Anything heated up will lose enzymes, but to pasteurize honey it is boiled for 30minutes. I use raw honey.

My favorite Beekeeper once said, “you may lose some enzymes by putting it in hot water but you're not losing all of its nutritional value.”

Does this work with adults and can we use any honey?

I recommend a quality raw honey as pasteurized honey is heated at high temperatures for a long time. I believe heating it for a short time retains benefits of the honey.

Also, “food as medicine” for eczema is a big piece of the journey to eliminating eczema for good. It truly is an important one that many don't prioritize. With that in mind, yes! Using food like quality gelatin will also help adults strengthen their intestinal barrier (a very important part of eliminating eczema) - it's not just for kids

Do you think plant based gelatin will also work-like agar-agar?

I'm not sure as I have never tried making anything with agar agar! For the benefits mentioned in the caption, quality animal based gelatin is where the benefits come from. Part II of my "food as medicine" with eczema in mind IG post has some non-meat based options to support plant based folks on their journey.

Can I boil the water and bring it to a warmer temperature, mix in the honey and then blend it with gelatin water? Or is the boiling temperature is mandatory?

That should work fine! Others who tried it that way say it worked for them - I haven’t tried it that way myself yet, but will report back when I do!

How to troubleshoot clumping issues?

1) BLOOM. Please ensure you follow the recipe in order (see above METHOD). Mix gelatin with room temperature water and set aside before moving onto other steps. This allows enough time for the gelatin to “bloom” properly. This means the granules will fully hydrate, completely dissolve, and won’t end up clumping.

“Country to country and brand to brand gelatin strength varies greatly.”
I tested my recipe with an Australian brand of gelatin (gelpro Australia). If you are using an American brand of gelatin, perhaps consider lowering the quantity to 3 Tbsp because as mentioned, the gelatin strength varies by country.
Reminder: results won’t be the same as mine unless the ingredients & method are the same.

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