Motherhood: Bedridden to Carrying my Toddler in 1 Year

I kept ending up in the hospital - so I learned to take care of me better. 1 year later, I’m stronger than I thought I could ever be. It’s never too late.

1 year ago on this day, I was at the hospital.

I had fallen and split my knee again.

I was labeled high risk of falling. again.

2 years postpartum, recovering from car accident injuries, nursing my toddler around the clock, working full-time at google, and beyond burnt out—behind my smile, I wondered why things like this kept happening. God was speaking to me through life.

something had to change.

I had to take care of me better.

nutrition is an important piece of the puzzle but so is the mind and body.

my mind wasn’t in a healthy place so I wasn’t making time to move my body.

so I made a commitment to support my body everyday. baby steps. I went from being bed ridden and telling Emma “I can’t” every time she asked me to carry her to working out with her on my back and saying “I can help you when things get hard.”

I committed because I wanted to be strong for her. she is/was my why. but I’m learning I don’t have to be strong all the time because God is strong for us.

Mother exercising with toddler on her back

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